6 drum fills for absolute beginners.

6 drum fills for absolute beginners.
1/16th notes for beginners. Learn how to count this rhythm and play some simple drum fills with it.
Rhythms that combine 1/16th notes with 1/8th notes.
Beginner one-bar 1/8th note fills.
Basic 1/8th note drum fills that start on beat 2.
Learn to play short fills starting on beats 3 and 4.
A review of basic 1/8th note fills and exercises to practice them all!
1/8th note fills using notes and rests.
Basic 1/16th note fills that are a whole bar.
Learn to play 3-beat 1/16th note fills. These are fills that start on beat 2.
1/16th note fills that start on beats 3 and 4.
Learn to play triplet fills in 4/4 and 12/8 time.
Learn a bunch of 3-beat triplet fills starting on beat 2. These fills must follow the triplet sticking which tells us that they begin with your left hand on beat 2.
Learn to play basic short fills in 12/8 time.
Learn how to increase your independence between your hands and the Bass Drum. We will do this by practicing 1/8th note fills that contain notes on the Bass Drum.
Learn to play fills in 6/8 time. These fills have rests mixed in to break up the 18th note rhythm in interesting ways.
Explore interesting combinations of 1/16th note rhythms that make killer drum fills!
Simple 1/16th Rhythms There are so many more rhythms to learn in the vocabulary of 1/16th note rhythms. They are the combination of notes that are...
When you play the 2nd and 4th 1/6th note in a beat ("ee" and "ah"), they are the off-beats. In this lesson I will show you two off-beat 1/16th rhythms.
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