The first 4 beats that every newbie should learn.

The first 4 beats that every newbie should learn.
You're off to a great start with the 4 basic grooves you learned in the first lesson. In this lesson you will learn 4 new beginner grooves that have a "syncopated" rhythm in the Bass Drum. This means there is emphasis off the beat, so you will play the Bass Drum when you count "and".
Welcome to one of the most important lessons on the entire site! If you only completed this one lesson on 1/8th note grooves and nothing else, you would already have what it takes to play a countless number of songs. These 24 groove patterns are literally the foundation of most modern music on the drums.
Basic backbeat grooves with additional notes on the Snare drum.
Groove patterns with the Snare on every beat.
1/8th note grooves with a 1/4 note backbeat.
Two-bar 1/8th note groove patterns.
In 4/4 time, there are eight 1/8th notes in each bar. The backbeat helps us to hear all 4 beats, but what if you organized the notes a little differently? In this lesson, the groove patterns you learn will follow a 3-3-2 sequence. Add that up you have your eight notes in the bar, but the grooves sound very different from what you are used to.
This lesson is the first one in a series that is all about spicing up your Hi-Hat rhythms. You will learn how to add a 1/16th note rhythm on the Hi-Hats in 1/8th note groove patterns. This is a great way to add a rhythmic twist to a simple groove. There are 36 groove + Hi-Hat combinations. Practice and master them all.
Learn to play simple groove patterns in 7/8 time. This means that each bar is made up of only seven 1/8th notes. These grooves use 1/8th note rhythms only.
A simple drummer blog about all things drums. drummer blog. drummer blog. drummer blog. drummer blog. drummer blog. drummer blog. drummer website and drummers resource.