Paradigme Basic Stick Technique | #1 Best Beginner Drum Lessons

Basic Stick Technique For Beginners

Welcome newbie drummers! This is the best place for you to start your journey into the world of drumming. It is an important lesson for every beginner to watch. Let’s have a talk about basic stick technique, that is, HOW you hold the drumsticks and HOW you actually play on a drum.

There’s a science to how we play on a drum with reasonably good stick technique and you need to know it. Those drumsticks aren’t baseball bats and for you to be a good drummer, you should learn how to use them. This is the key to playing accurately, fast and with good control.

I’ll show you how to hold the drumsticks correctly as well as how to strike a drum with good technique. After the lesson, we’ll try playing a steady rhythm on the Snare Drum together, so that you can practice good stick technique along with me.


Stick Technique and Synchronization

Another important aspect of drumming is synchronization. When we play music we have to be in sync with the other musicians in the band. When we play along to music with headphones, we need to be able to sync up and match with the music. Some people have a pretty good natural feel for rhythm but others may need to learn that.

Synchronization comes from splitting your listening attention. Half of your attention must be on you and your playing while the other half must be paying attention to whom you are playing with. In the 2nd half of the lesson, i’ll give you an exercise that you can play along with me to practice your stick technique, listening and synchronization skills.

Take this lesson to heart and it will get you started on the right track. You will gain a better understanding of HOW to practice all of the lessons and the included material that follows. Godspeed newbies!

** There is NO PDF worksheet associated with this lesson.

If you would rather watch my condensed lesson video on YouTube, please click here.

  • The notes you see written below are called 1/4 notes (quarter). Notice that these notes are written on the 2nd space (from the top) of the musical staff. Anytime you see notes written in this space, it is meant to be played on the Snare Drum. Above the staff you will see the corresponding sticking pattern. R, L, R, L and below the staff is the count of each note you play.

The recommended tempo range is 60 and 120
Tempo: 60 bpm

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