This is an important lesson for every beginner to watch about basic stick technique. That is, HOW you hold the drumsticks and HOW you actually play on a drum. This should be the first lesson you watch if you are getting started on the drums.

This is an important lesson for every beginner to watch about basic stick technique. That is, HOW you hold the drumsticks and HOW you actually play on a drum. This should be the first lesson you watch if you are getting started on the drums.
Learn how to play Flams and and practice them musically with 10 easy Flam fills.
Buzz strokes are a basic technique that every drummer should know.
Learn the essential Paradiddle rudiment.
Learn to play 1/8th note exercises with accented notes.
1/8th note exercises that have 2 accented notes in each bar.
1/8th note exercises with 3 accents.
Grooves and exercises to develop the cross-stick technique.
Learn how to play the drag rudiment and how to apply it to grooves and fills.
A simple drummer blog about all things drums. drummer blog. drummer blog. drummer blog. drummer blog. drummer blog. drummer blog. drummer website and drummers resource.